Macros for warriors

Arms Macros 

Multimovement Macro

/cast [nomodifier] Charge
 /castsequence [mod:Shift, harm, stance:1/2] Berserker Stance; [mod:Shift, harm, stance:3] Intercept, Battle Stance;
 [mod:Shift, help, stance:1/3] Defensive Stance; [mod:Shift, help, stance:2] Intervene, Battle Stance 

Focus charge/intercept/intervene (3.3)

/cast [mod:shift,form:1/2,@%f]charge;[mod:shift,form:3,@%f]intercept;[form:2,help]intervene;[form:3]intercept;charge
/cast [form:1/3]victory rush
/startattack [harm] 

Heroic/Slam Rage Dump

/cast [modifier] Slam; Heroic Strike 

Bladestorm DPS Fun Macro

#show Bladestorm
/use Mark of Supremacy
/cast Bladestorm
/script PlaySoundFile("Sound\\Creature\\Herod\\HerodWhirlwind01.wav")

Fury Macros 

Slam on Bloodsurge Proc 

/cast Slam

Shield/Two Hander Swap

/equipslot [equipped:two-hand] 17 Shield
/equipslot [equipped:shield] 17 Off-hand
/equipslot 16 Main-hand
/cast [stance:3] Defensive Stance; [stance:2] Berserker Stance 

Shattering Throw from Berserker

/cast [stance:2/3] Battle Stance
/cast Shattering Throw
/cast [stance:1] Berserker Stance 

Retaliation as Fury

#showtooltip Retaliation
/cast [stance:2/3] Battle Stance
/cast Retaliation
/cast [stance:1] Berserker Stance 

Simple aoe macro (3.3)

/cast Cleave
/cast Whirlwind 

Charge, Intercept, Intervene 1 button fury (3.2) 

#showtooltip [help] Intervene; [nocombat] Charge; [combat] Intercept
 /cast [combat] Intercept
 /cast [nocombat] Battle Stance
 /cast [nocombat] Charge
 /cast [harm] Berserker Stance
 /cast [help] Defensive Stance
 /cast [help] Intervene 

Protection Macros 

Mouseover Taunt

/cast [@mouseover] [mod:alt] taunt; Taunt 

Raid Target Mark

/run if GetRaidTargetIndex("target")~=8 then SetRaidTarget("target",8)end 

Warbringer Macro

/castsequence [harm] reset=15 Charge, Intercept, Charge; [help] Intervene; 

3.1 Other warrior macros 

Adrenaline Rush (requires Herbalism)

#showtooltip Enraged Regeneration
/use Enraged Regeration
/use Lifeblood
/use [target=player]Heavy Linen Bandage 

Stance/Shield Change Scrolling

Stance Down:  

/equipslot [stance:3] 17 ShieldName
/equipslot [stance:2] 17 OHName
/cast [stance:3] Defensive Stance
/cast [stance:2] Battle Stance
/cast [stance:1] Berserker Stance

 Stance Up:

/equipslot [stance:1] 17 ShieldName
/equipslot [stance:2] 17 OHName
/cast [stance:1] Defensive Stance
/cast [stance:2] Berserker Stance
/cast [stance:3] Battle Stance  

Fury Off-Spec

/cast [stance:2] Berserker Stance; [stance:3,noequipped:shield] Defensive Stance
/equipset [stance:3,equipped:shield] Fury; [stance:3,noequipped:shield] Protection
/usetalents [stance:3,noequipped:shield] 1; [stance:2] 2 

Taunt/Charge conservative macros

#showtooltip Taunt
/click [target=targettarget,party,nodead]MultiBarRightButton9;MultiBarRightButton8 

Anounce Pulled Target in Raid Warning 

/rw Pulling %t ! 

Three-Spells-in-One-Button Tanking macro

/castrandom [equipped:shields] Shield Slam, Revenge; Revenge
/cast [equipped:shields] Shield Block 
/cast Devastate
//cast !Heroic Strike

Retaliation, Shield Wall or Recklessness

/cast [stance:1] Retaliation; [stance:2,equipped:Shields] Shield Wall; [stance:2,noequipped:Shields] Battle Stance; [stance:3] Recklessness
/cast [stance:1,modifier:ctrl] Defensive Stance 

Shield Bash or Pummel

/cast [stance:1/2,noequipped:Shields] Berserker Stance; [stance:1/2,equipped:Shields] Shield Bash; [stance:3] Pummel 

All in one charge

#show [combat] Intercept; Charge
/cast [stance:1/2,combat] Berserker Stance; [stance:3,combat] Intercept; [stance:2/3,nocombat] Battle Stance; [stance:1,nocombat] Charge
/cast [equipped:Shields] Defensive Stance 

Heroic Strike/Charge

/cast [nocombat] Charge; [stance:3,modifier] Intercept
/cast !Heroic Strike 

Charge/Intercept and Hamstring

#show [combat] Intercept; Charge
/cast [nocombat,stance:1] Charge; [combat,stance:3] Intercept; [nocombat,nostance:1] Battle Stance; [combat,nostance:3] Berserker Stance
/cast [stance:1/3] Hamstring 

Target then Charge and Bloodrage

/targetenemy [noexists, nodead]
/assist [help]
/cast [exists,nohelp,nocombat] Charge
/cast [combat] Bloodrage 

Target then Charge, or Throw with Bloodrage, or Overpower in combat

/targetenemy [noexists, nodead]
/assist [help]
/stopmacro [noharm]
/cast [nomodifier:alt, nocombat] Charge
/startattack [harm]
/cast [modifier:alt] Bloodrage
/stopcasting [modifier:alt]
/cast [modifier:alt] Throw; Overpower 
/targetenemy [noexists,nodead]
/assist [help]
/cast [nomodifier:alt,nocombat]Charge; [nomodifier:alt,combat]Overpower
/startattack [harm]
/stopmacro [nomodifier:alt]
/cast Bloodrage
/cast [equipped:Thrown]Throw; Shoot 

Heroic Fury Intercept Macro

/castsequence reset=30 Intercept, Heroic Fury 

Always Overpower

/cast [nostance:1] Battle Stance; Overpower 

Automatic Overpower or Revenge, AND use both trinkets

/console Sound_EnableSFX 0
/cast Heroic Strike
/use 13
/use 14
/cast [stance:1] Overpower; [stance:2] Revenge
/console Sound_EnableSFX 1
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); 


/cast [stance:3] Intercept; Berserker Stance
/cast [stance:3] Hamstring 

Bloodrage & Berserker Rage

/cast Bloodrage
/cast Berserker Rage 

Arms Spec AoE Spam

/cast [nostance:1] Battle Stance; Sweeping Strikes
/castsequence reset=6/target [stance:1/2] Thunder Clap, Cleave, Demoralizing Shout
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show() 

2 hand/1 hand + shield switch

/equip [equipped:shield,one-hand] <first weapon(2 hander)>
/equip [equipped:two-hand] <second weapon(1 hander)>
/equip [equipped:two-hand] <shield or other offhand)> 

Autoattack when "casting" in all stances

/show [stance:1] Charge; [stance:2] Taunt; [stance:3] Intercept
/startattack [harm]
/cast [stance:1] Charge; [stance:2] Taunt; [stance:3] Intercept 

One Button Spell Reflection (PVP)

/equip [button:2] <mainhand weapon>
/equip [button:1] <shield>; [button:2] <offhand weapon>
/castsequence Defensive Stance, Spell Reflection
/equipslot 16 [button:1] <mainhand weapon>
/equipslot 17 [button:1] <shield>
/cast Spell Reflection
/equipslot 16 [button:2] <2h weapon> 

Revenge/Heroic Strike

#showtooltip Revenge(Rank 9)
/cast Heroic Strike(Rank 13)
/cast Revenge(Rank 9) 

Intercept / Current Target's Intervene

#showtooltip [mod:alt] Intervene; Intercept
 /cast [mod:alt, target=playertargettarget] Intervene; [nostance:3]Berserker Stance; Intercept
 /cast [nostance:2] Defensive Stance 
Have fun! 











































































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